Small Business
Investing and running a Small Business are two complicated subjects.
You can find a definition for almost anything with Google.
There are so many books, videos, advisors, seminars, booklets, websites, commercials, shows, professionals, family, pets, friends...almost too many sources of information...and worse, these sources don't always agree?!?!
Comprehension is different for everyone.
We don't all learn and understand the same way, which can be a blocker to applying what we've learned.
During our learning series you will:
Learn the answers to your questions, and understand the answers
Learn new questions
Practically apply what you've learned between sessions
Most learning series are 3 sessions over 4 weeks with hands-on examples, quizzes, and homework between sessions!
Recommended Experience:
Basic income tax understanding
Have filed your own taxes at some point in your life
Know the joy of paying income tax
Have some kind of hobby, or small business