Options Trading
Who should attend this learning series?
Anyone interested in understanding options trading, and options trading strategies
Options trading is more complicated, and often considered riskier than traditional equity investing
Classroom Type: Virtual or In-Person
Duration: 4 sessions. One session per week: 4 Weeks total
Timing: Each group session runs for up to 3 hours, and will run during evenings or weekends
Timing: Week 3 has an optional 1:1 Session that will be scheduled for 45 minutes.
Size: Up to 8 participants
Coach: Ken Nothnagel, CEO, and Founder of The Canary Foundation
Recommended Experience:
At least one year of equity trading
Good understanding of common equity investing terminology
The Canary Foundation, Ken, and Carrie DO NOT profit from anything discussed during these sessions.
All participants must read and acknowledge this Legal Disclaimer
Session Description:
This is a hands-on session. Be ready to use your smartphone and/or laptop during this session. You will learn the theory behind each topic, and together, we will accomplish tasks to help you understand, get comfortable, and apply your knowledge.
There will be multiple breaks as well as opportunities for each participant to ask questions.
Questions can be asked in front of the group or privately, whatever fits your comfort level.
The quizzes are important to make sure we don't leave anyone behind!
We build on our knowledge, and apply our learnings during each session.
We'll proceed at the pace that is best for all participants!
Week 1 - First Session Topics
What's the difference between a rich person and poor person?
Let's talk about risk
Trading on margin (A cautionary tale)
Calls, Puts, and Spreads - Terminology
Common Strategies - Live Walkthroughs
Understanding Inverse ETFs & Leveraged ETFs
How to choose the right trading platform
First Quiz: Check your knowledge before week 2
Review common strategies
Watch or listen to Options Action on CNBC/Podcast
Pick a stock, with options, that you would consider using for an options trade
Week 2 - Second Session Topics
Review Week 1 Quiz
New Questions: Did you hear anything interesting or confusing on Options Action?
Review the stock and option strategy you are considering
Take the plunge!! Execute your first options trade! (Optional)
Second Quiz: Check your knowledge before week 4
Mind your business! Check on your options strategy daily!
Prepare to present at the week 4 session
Optional, but strongly encouraged!
Week 3 - 1:1 Sessions (Optional)
We will schedule individual 45 minute sessions to cover any questions or confusion on everything we've learned so far.
Week 4 - Final Session Topics
Participant Presentations:
Time: 15 Minute Max Per Presentation - No minimum time
Which options strategy did you choose?
Why did you choose this investment?
What did you expect?
What actually happened?
Recommendations and/or questions for the group?
Final Questions
Schedule is Coming Soon